Welcome to my /about page!

I enjoy building software and solving problems. From 2016 to 2024, I worked as a software engineer at Discover Books, focused on identifying issues/pain points and solving problems across all domains of business; I built everything from mobile apps to dashboards to apis to tools for accountants, customer relationship managers, warehouse associates, Friends of the Library orgs, and many, many more - even a couple of internal IT tools. Apart from being an engineer, I was accountable for many product manager responsibilities such as: managing stakeholders, creating and maintaining project timelines, conducting market research, and ensuring the successful roll-out of new features and products.

I deeply enjoy connecting problems with solutions and have an inaite ability to communicate technical ideas with the least technical person you know. If you need something explained reach out.

TODO: Add links to resumes that I am tinkering with for both software engineering and product management roles.